I just want to take a moment to say how much I have appreciated the assistance this author has provided. I have been a customer with Themeforest for years and have never had such competent customer support or kindness.
Once again going on ten years messing with Joomla… you are very talented and gifted! Gavick used to be at the top of my list but you have out done them all.
Thank you so much for your great support really I admire your commitment and the effort you did to add RTL support to the theme and I think it is a great advantage to it since not it will work perfectly for right to left languages like Arabic, Hebrew, and Parisian.
Putting my mind at ease and clearing up things.. also adding additional guidance to future mishaps and how to avoid such things. Thank you for all the beautiful work you do and the honesty you uphold. I wish there were more people like you!